TDT4102, Spring 2009

Exercise 6

Deadline: 06.03.2009

The objective of this exercise:

General requirements:

·         Implement the specifications that are described in the exercise

·         Use the exact names that are given for functions, classes, parameters, etc. (when this is specified)

·         Write the necessary code to demonstrate that your program is working as intended

·         You have to complete a minimum of 70% of the exercise


Recommended reading:

Part 1: Pointers (10 pt.)

a) Implement a function for swapping two values using pointers as parameters:

void swap(int *x, int *y);


The function should swap the values pointed to by the arguments.

b) Use the function to swap the two integer values a and b in the following code:


int a = 1;

int b = 2;


swap(......); //fill in the arguments


cout << "a = " << a << endl; // a should now be 2

cout << "b = " << b << endl; // b should now be 1

c) Use the function to swap the two integer values pointed to by c and d in the following code:


int *c = new int(3);

int *d = new int(4);


swap(.....);//fill in the arguments


cout << "*c = " << *c << endl; // c should now be 4

cout << "*d = " << *d << endl; // d should now be 3

Part 2: Dynamic arrays (30 pt.)

a) Copy and paste the code below into your own project. Implement the functions
createNewTable() and printTable() that are used in the main-method.


The program is a simple example on the use of dynamic arrays. The program starts with an empty array (of size 0) and the user is asked to input 5 values at a time (until the program is terminated by ‘n’). For every iteration a new array is created that includes all the previous integers in table in addition to the new input. The printTable() function is only used to print out the text “Table now contains….” and the values in the array.


int main(){

int incr_size = 5;

int size = 0;

int *table = new int[size];

int *input = new int[incr_size];

char c = 'y';

while (toupper(c) == 'Y'){

cout << "Write a sequence of " << incr_size << " integer values: ";

for (int i = 0; i < incr_size; i++){

cin >> input[i];


table = createNewTable(table, input, size, incr_size);

size += incr_size;

printTable(table, size);

cout << "Continue (y/n): ";

cin >> c;


return 0;



The output should be something like this:


Write a sequence of 5 integer values: 1 2 3 4 5

Table now contains 5 elements: 1 2 3 4 5

Continue (y/n): y

Write a sequence of 5 integer values: 1 2 3 4 6

Table now contains 10 elements: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6

Continue (y/n): y

Write a sequence of 5 integer values: 0 0 33 55 99

Table now contains 15 elements: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6 0 0 33 55 99

Continue (y/n): n

b) The code above does not deallocate the memory that is not used anymore (the line that assigns new array to the table variable is the main problem).
Implement the appropriate memory management that is needed in the main method (you have to add a few lines including a delete [] statement).


Part 3: IntegerSet (30 pt)

a) Create a class IntegerSet for which objects can hold a set of integers. A set can be represented internally as a vector and is a collection of unique values – any integer value can only appear once in the vector. Implement the following public member functions for your class (and any additional functions that you may need):

void insertElement(int i);

IntegerSet* unionOfSets(IntegerSet&);

IntegerSet* intersectionOfSets(IntegerSet&);


Hints: A union is the set-theoretical union of two sets (includes all values found in either of two sets). An intersection is the set-theoretical intersection of two sets (includes all values found in both sets).


b) Extend the class with the a member function void printSet() that prints the set as a list of numbers separated by spaces. Print "---" for an empty set.
Write a main method that tests your class by instantiating some sets, adding integers and creating new sets for unions and intersections.

Part 4: Students and courses (30 pt)

Implement the following two classes (copy and paste the code, implement the member functions and overloaded operators).

A course has a name and a vector holding pointers to the students taking that course.
A student has a name and a vector of the courses the student is taking.


The main challenge in this exercise is that the implementation should include a way to simplify the process of updating the vectors. Whenever a student is added to a course, the addStudent() function should make an implicit call to the students addCourse() function to update the list of courses a student is taking. You should be able to run the main method that is listed and get the output that is indicated below.


class Student;


class Course{


string name;

vector<Student*> students;


Course(string name): name(name){};

string getName();

void addStudent(Student *s);

friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Course*);



class Student{


string name;

vector<Course*> courses;


Student(string name): name(name){};

string getName();

void addCourse(Course *c);

friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, Student*);



int main(){

Student *s1 = new Student("Per Person");

Student *s2 = new Student("Tor Jenssen");

Student *s3 = new Student("Lene Marlin");

Course *c1 = new Course("TDT4102");

Course *c2 = new Course("TDT4100");






cout << s1;

cout << s2;

cout << s3;

cout << c1;

cout << c2;




The output should be something like this:

Per Person: TDT4102, TDT4100

Tor Jenssen: TDT4102, TDT4100

Lene Marlin: TDT4102

TDT4102: Per Person, Tor Jenssen, Lene Marlin

TDT4100: Per Person, Tor Jenssen

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